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Eagle Fork Vineyards
Blush Wine List

A semi sweet summer wine that speaks of grapefruit, peaches, tangerines, and pineapple.

Our Blush Wine Lists

Blush wine, also known as rosé, is like the delicate blush of a sunset in a glass. With its enchanting pink hue, it embodies a perfect balance between the lightness of white wine and the depth of red. Imagine a sip that transports you to a summer garden, where fragrant roses mingle with ripe strawberries and crisp watermelon. 

Blush wine offers a refreshing burst of fruitiness, with flavors ranging from bright and zesty to luscious and sweet. It’s the ideal companion for warm afternoons on the patio, picnics in the park, or intimate gatherings with friends. So, whether you’re new to the world of wine or a seasoned enthusiast, blush wine invites you to embrace its playful charm and savor the simple joys of life.

A semi sweet summer wine that speaks of grapefruit, peaches, tangerines, and pineapple.

Classic Catawba

A semi sweet summer wine that speaks of grapefruit, peaches, tangerines, and pineapple.